About BuyScoreTips

BuyScoreTips is an international company specialized in providing expert betting advice services for the following sports: soccer sports. We provice all type of soccer betting tips from Asian Handicap, Total Goals, Fixed Odd and even correct score. In order to be able to provide quality services, that would bring matching profits, we have special departments made of the best tipsters in the world, for each betting type.

Advantage of BuyScoreTips

Every tip released by BuyScoreTips is filtered to be the best bet ever. And all our tips records is 100% genuine with a reliable independent monitoring company monitoring every each of our tips. In fact we are using the records table that provided by them to make sure records is impossible to modify. So what you see here is what really happen. Only in www.BuyScoreTips we able to provide that.

All records in BuyScoreTips is 100% monitored by an independent monitoring company, in fact we are using their records table to make sure all records unable to be modify.

Consider affortable service among genuine soccer tipster thanks to the support of our offline customer network. We able to cut the cost with our existing support of our customers.

100% proven working betting bankroll management system. Total members of 10 in the support team to help all members to place bet in the best odds and manage their betting bankroll.

Our network stretches on three continents: Europe, Asia and America, our collaborators send us information right from the place of the events. For providing prognosis our tipsters take into account information such as: the shape of the teams, the way they play home games or away games, direct meetings, information regarding last minute changes or injuries, motivation, loaded program, rivalry, state of the field at the time of the game, even the weather prognosis for the time of the competition.